For Parents
Are you worried about your child or young person?
Then you're not alone...
For Parents

We are often contacted by parents who are concerned about the welfare of their children. It maybe that they are dis-engaging from education, they may be involved with the wrong crowd or they may be cutting themselves off from their friends.
We have worked with a variety of children & young people and have helped them get their life back to where they want it to be. Every journey is different for every child or young person we work with. We would be happy to talk through ways in which Phase Trust may be able to help.
Contact Us by Telephone: 0121 585 9419 or use our Contact Form
There are also many different websites that offer specific and practical advice to parents. Below are a few we would recommend. Each link takes you direct to the pertinent Parents section.

Young Minds is a website offering advice on Mental Health and Wellbeing for young people. VISIT LINK »

Advice and guidance for Parents and Carers to help them support a child or young person experiencing poor mental health or wellbeing. VISIT LINK »

Parenting Troubled Teens is a section of the Relate website giving parents advice on dealing with struggles their children face. It includes topics such as Self Harm, Alcohol and Family Issues. VISIT LINK »

Think U Know has help and advice for parents on Internet Safety. It is written by the National Crime Agency. VISIT LINK »

Preventing the exploitation of children, young people and adults in the West Midlands is a key priority for the Violence Reduction Unit. VISIT LINK »

Care for the Family have written a number of resources that aim to equip parents to better deal with potential difficult circumstances. VISIT LINK »