focussing on and exploring the challenging issues surrounding Child criminal exploitation (CCE), Child sexual exploitation (CSE) & Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB).
Challenging an exploitation culture
The Exploitation Stream works with children and young people (7-25 LDD), specifically focussing on and exploring the challenging issues surrounding Child criminal exploitation (CCE), Child sexual exploitation (CSE) & Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). We aim to achieve this through:
Individual Support & Group Work
We provide personalised sessions for individuals and groups who are at risk of or involved in exploitation. By giving them specific interventions and guidance, we aim to help them be more equipped to make positive life choices, be aware of possible risk-taking behaviours and provide help with exit strategies.
Place based work (Detached)
Meeting children & young people in the community is crucial to supporting those who are at risk of or being exploited. By building relationships within the community, we can take a contextual safeguarding approach to the most vulnerable in the community, whilst being able to transition them to more formal interventions when appropriate.
Schools work
We offer a range of schools work from assemblies to lessons on the themes of CSE, CCE & HSB. Looking at an introduction to these themes, we cover basic information that enables students to learn about the risks of exploitation, how to spot the signs and keep themselves and others safe.