Meet The Team
I can honestly say that I have never come across an organisation/agency that are so committed to improving the lives of young people, with no hidden agenda and such professional staff.
Paul Townsend, St James’ Academy, Dudley

Jayne Sargeant
My primary role is to maintain our ethos and commitment in working with children and young people, to see that our team is passionate and remain up-skilled in the areas they are involved in, and ensuring sustainability so that the legacy of Phase Trust lives on.

Jonathan ALlen
Senior Manager
My role is to lead the amazing Phase team in delivering the best possible provision for young people. I am passionate about ensuring our team are constantly developing and I'm always looking to help them maintain the best possible approaches to supporting young people of the Dudley borough and beyond. I'm also passionate about Personal Development. I aim to help children, young people & young adults grasp what they hope for themselves and challenge them to think about what they need to do to realise these dreams.

Lisa Hill
Operations Manager
My role is to ensure that all processes within Phase Trust are running as smoothly as possible. Alongside the CEO and Senior Manager, I am also involved in the oversight of the organisation as a whole.

Vicky Welch
Family Intervention Lead
I lead the Family Intervention stream of work for Phase Trust where we work with children, young people and parents/carers supporting them with family life. This work can be 1-2-1 sessions, group work, parenting courses or specific support around loss and bereavement. I am passionate about coming alongside and supporting families and helping them to build better relationships with each other. I am also the designated safeguarding lead for Phase Trust.

Hannah Hughes
Exploitation: CCE/CSE & Community Engagement Lead
My role has 2 parts; I love all things community and aim to look into how we engage with our local community and how we can support young people through our universal provisions. The other side of my role is to head up our Exploitation stream with a focus on CSE & CCE. I manage the strategic oversight and development of these services and I work very closely with partners to ensure children and young people get the support they need across our borough.

Charlene Cowdell
Exploitation: HSB Lead
I head up Phase Trust's Harmful Sexual Behaviours service, which supports children and young people who are displaying Harmful Sexual Behaviours and their families, using the AIM3/under 12s assessment and intervention framework. A large part of my role is to manage the development of the services we offer in this area and also work closely with wider partners, to help shape the holistic support provided to those affected by HSB.

Peter Barks
Primary Personal Development Lead
I head up all of Phase’s personal development work with children who are at primary school. I am passionate about connecting and engaging with a wide range of children through schools work across the Dudley borough and beyond. The Primary Personal Development Stream supports children in both group and one-to-one settings. Our work focuses on those who are in need of support with their mental health and well-being through mentoring and group work. We always tailor our delivery to the individual needs of the child, family and school that we work with.

Nathalie Towler-Dean
Secondary & Post-16 Personal Development Lead
My role is to manage all our personal development provision for young people aged 11 and over. We support young people who are in secondary school and also those who are 16+, with one to one and group support depending on their needs. Other provision includes a programme called ID Plus specifically for those aged 16+ who are feeling stuck and unable to move forward into education, training or employment. I also network with those from different sectors, schools and colleges to promote our work and to advocate for those we are supporting.

Pete Allen
Lead Exploitation Worker
My role is to work and support young people who are being exploited; working with young people in or on the periphery of gang culture who may be exploited with or without them knowing. Supporting, challenging and developing young people to make better lifestyle choices for themselves.

Amber Murphy
Primary Worker
My role is to work with young people in the Primary School age group through one-to-one mentoring, group support, family support and leading of assemblies. I deliver support for various themes within emotional, mental health and wellbeing. I also lead our Winning Mentality Programme which enables young people to have a better outlook on and approach to life, looking at their identity, wellbeing, social and team work skills through sports and activities.

Natalie Mountford
Family Intervention Worker
My role is to support families within our community, the Dudley Borough and beyond. I meet with parents who need a person to talk to and offer one-to-one mentoring for young people who want their concerns and worries to be heard. I am also part of the Phase Trust detached team, working with young people in our locality.

Alice Blanch
Targeted Support Worker
I work with young people in secondary schools through one-to-one and group sessions; supporting them in different ways related to their mental health and well-being. My role also includes working with young people who have left school, and helping facilitate our ID Plus, Forward, and Boost programmes. I am passionate about seeing young people reach their full potential, and I want to support them in whichever ways are appropriate for them.

Mallika Willetts
My role is to assist with the day-to-day operations of the office. I work alongside the Operational Manager to ensure that we provide the best administrative support to our team and the best quality of customer service to those who contact us here at Phase Trust.

Julian Wolton
Primary Worker
My role is to work with primary school age children through 1-1 mentoring, group work and leading of assemblies and lessons. My focus within this is to provide support with emotional health, mental health and wellbeing. I also help to deliver our Winning Mentality programme which enables children to have a better outlook on and approach to life, looking at their identity, wellbeing, social and teamwork skills through sports and activities.